Thursday, December 15, 2011

24 Oct. 2010 - Zechariah 4:14

Zechariah 4:1-14
"the gold lampstand and the two olive trees"

This vision is one of encouragement for Israel, particularly for those working on the temple.

Zechariah sees a large gold lampstand. flanked by two olive trees. at the apex of the lampstand is a large bowl of oil with channels leading through to seven individual lamps. This lampstand symbolizes two things: First that God is all powerful (indicated by 7 lamps, 7 being a number of completeness) and that God is limitless in power (shown by the large bowl of oil and the olive trees, which provide the oil). 

A word of encouragement is then spoken to Zerubbabel, the man leading the rebuilding efforts. that the rebuilding shall be accomplished, but not by and of his own strength or power, but by the spirit of God. Before Zerubbabel mountains will fall flat because the Lord is with him and is leading him in the rebuilding efforts and he will finish it to the glory of God. In fact, God then spoke a prophecy  through Zechariah that Zerubbabel, who started the rebuilding, would lay the capstone, i.e. finish it.

The meaning of the olive trees is then revealed. they represent the ones anointed to serve the Lord. these two are Joshua, the priest mentioned in ch 3 and Zerubbabel, who, might i add, is of the line of David. they are the king and priest. one commentator also points out that the pairing of priest and king points toward Christ who is the priest-king (the messiah of aaron (priest) and the messiah of israel (of david's house) (king) were two messiahs looked forward to by the people of the time of the dead sea scrolls. these two were, in fact, one - Jesus)

In these past two chapters, 3 & 4, we see messages of encouragement to those that the Lord has chosen to lead israel in returning to God and following him, i this instance by rebuilding the temple. God doesn't leave us out and alone. He is right there by us, giving us a much needed hand with the work He has set for us.

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