Thursday, November 5, 2015

5 November 2015


  • John 2
  • Zechariah 9
  • 2 Kings 5
  • Psalm 96

First, in the John passage, we see Jesus' first miracle, the turning of water to wine at a wedding in Cana. Shortly thereafter, as Passover, we see him becoming enraged at the various moneychangers and offering-sellers doing their work within the temple court. When asked the reason for doing this, he replied "Destroy this temple and I will raise it in three days," referring to himself, though the Jews thought he was referring to the building. If I remember my chronology correctly, this, then, places much of what happens in John during the later years of Christ's ministry. I may be wrong, though.

In Zechariah, the Lord prophesies the fall of Tyre and Sidon and the fall of the Philistine city-states, Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, and Ekron. He then proclaims how he will rule over his people and bring about peace before waging war on those not his people. (The passage states Ephraim & Judah vs Greece, but I'm interpreting this in an end-times context and see the correlation thereof to Revelation) Lastly, we see some kind of final paradise imagery for God's people.

In 2 Kings, we see the healing of Naaman, General of Syria, of his leprosy by Elisha. The manner by which the healing was conducted, though, left no doubt as to the reality of God and so, he went on his way proclaiming that the God of Israel is the one, true god. He had offered a reward or payment, but Elisha had refused. His servant, though, ran after Naaman and accepted the reward on Elisha's behalf and was struck down with Naaman's leprosy. If we ever doubted that God worked for his own glory, we need not look further than this passage.

The psalm today is another one of David. In this one, he is pleading with the Lord, asking for mercy, pleading for his death to be postponed for the sole reason that he may give praise to God a little while longer. He ends with confidence, speaking to his mockers, proclaiming that the Lord has indeed heard him.


I found it interesting to see a glimpse of end times prophecy in  what is not usually considered a major end times prophecy book, like Daniel or Revelation. What really stood out, though, is the healing of Naaman. The command given was something absurdly simple and, to Naaman, made no sense - after all, to his mind, there were prettier rivers back home. He was expecting some mumbo-jumbo and, presto, he would be healed. At the insistence of his servants, he followed Eelisha's direction and was healed. To him, this left no doubt as to the identity of God and through this story, I can see how God works to bring about faith in nonbelievers and glory to himself.

In this case, he started small, by the word of a servant girl that addressed his needs. He then acted through the seemingly absurd, something that would make no sense to the individual's reasoning. Thirdly, he followed through on this small direction that didn't make any practical sense - that couldn't be attributed to anything else.

God met a need in an absurd way. He still does this, though it's sometimes easier to rationalise what happened, especially in our areligious, aspiritual culture (though it is becoming more spiritual, but everything is so tangled, it's really easy to miss God for the chakra smoothie). 

Maybe this is still more observation, but the best way to apply this in my life is to take time to be more aware of God, to listen for the things he's telling me to do instead of just doing and hoping God will cover the rest. I know I'm very guilty of just doing Godly things and hoping that's what God had in mind for me to do instead of taking time to seek God and listen for his word.


Thank you, Lord, for this revelation and understanding.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

4 November 2015


  • John 1:19-51
  • Zechariah 8
  • 2 Kings 4
  • Psalm 95

So, in the John passage, we see the introduction of John the Baptist and his declaration of Jesus as the Christ based on the signs given at his baptism. Following this, we see the calling of the first few disciples - Andrew, Simon, Phillip, and Nathanael.

In the first part of the Zechariah passage, we see the Lord promising the rebuilding and refilling Jerusalem, speaking of a city filled with both the young and the elderly. He then follows that, continuing the promise of restoration, but addressing the treatment of Israel by God and by her neighbours. Lastly, he concludes with his prescriptions of how the Israelites are to comport themselves.

In 2 Kings, we see 5 miracles performed by Elisha.
  1. The provision of oil for a widowed mother in debt
  2. The blessing of a son to a generous barren couple
  3. The reviving of said son of said couple
  4. The curing of poisonous soup
  5. The stretching of twenty barley loaves for 100 men with some to spare
The psalm today is one of praise to God, calling all to rejoice for he is creator and King over all. It also admonishes the listeners to not harden their hearts against the Lord.


So, in John, we have confirmation from John the Baptist on the godhood of Jesus, which is nice to have. Honestly, though, the two things that stood out to me the most, were the imagery of Jerusalem prophesied in Zechariah, "Old men and old women shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with staff in hand because of great age. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets." (vv 4-5) and how much God cared for this Shunammite woman and her family (2 Kings 4:8-37).

I find it interesting how God uses imagery of the elderly leaning on staves and children playing for his promise to Jerusalem. To me, this depicts a time of peace more than almost anything else. Add to this how God went out of His way, through Elisha, to bless this woman and to tend to her son later on and you see that God really cares for people. He cares for the small things, young and old living peacefully, a barren woman and, later, her son. That such a big God cares on such a small level is mindblowing, and yet, it's also so very reassuring.


Lord, I thank you and praise you for your care. I praise you that you are a great God who cares for our small desires. You go out of your way for your people simply because you can and I cannot thank you or praise you enough.

Teach me to see people as you do, as worthy of our everyday efforts, as worthy of our greatest work and full attention.

Let this mind be in me that was also in Christ Jesus - let me not glorify myself, but instead humble myself in complete servitude, putting others, especially my wife, above myself.

I also pray for those in American Samoa. I know many there follow you, but I ask that your work would continue there, that still more would come to follow you.

Work within me as I seek to become more like you and more understanding and aware of my wife.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

3 November 2015


  • John 1:1-18
  • Zechariah 7
  • 2 Kings 3
  • Psalm 94

In John, we have a passage that can be difficult to follow. What John is doing is giving a presentation of the Godhood of Christ (vv. 1-5), the purpose of Christ (vv. 9-14, 16-18), and the purpose of John (vv. 6-8, 15).

In Zechariah, we see men of Israel entreating with the prophets, seeking the Lord's favour. The Lord's response commented on their performance of prescribed observations and reminded them of the intention of his law: to render true judgments, show kindness and mercy, to not oppress the widow, orphan, traveler, or poor, and to not plot another's downfall. He also showed their actions to his decree and so, just as they hardened themselves to the Lord's call, he hardened himself to their call.

In 2 Kings, we see Moab choosing not to honour a trade agreement made with Ahab, the former king of Israel. As such, Jehoram, Jehoshaphat, and the king of Edom ally to send Moab packing. Along the way, they meet with Elisha who, for the sake of Jehoshaphat (the king of Judah and a godly man) and Jehoshaphat only, prophesies provision in the desert and victory over Moab, which then comes true within the next days.

In the psalm, we see a plea out to God to show his vengeance and judge the wicked and ungodly, they who say that God neither sees nor hears what they do. He praises God as the one who teaches law and disciplines and gives God praise as protector and avenger of those who call on him.


So, overarching themes: 
In Zechariah, we see what God truly demands and how he disciplines his people. 
In 2 Kings, we see the rewards of having the favour of God, of being counted as a godly individual.
In the psalm, we see a reminder of how God acts on behalf of the godly against the wicked.
In John, we see God acting for the benefit of all, that those who believe may be considered godly.

What does a godly individual look like? Well, in a nutshell, a godly individual is one who loves God with his heart, soul, mind, & strength, that is, he or she is seeking after God in earnest, not engaging in rote rites for the sake of tradition. We see in Hosea that he wants more than burnt offerings, he wants the hearts and loyalty of his people. He wants the genuine outpourings of true faith (Zec 7:9-10). 

The same is still true today, post-Christ. We can call ourselves Christians and claim to be followers of God, but, as James wrote, our faith, in order to prove itself genuine, should display itself in works.

Now, we may ask, "Why?" After all, there are many who disobey God and yet, they prosper.

Temporarily, yes, but not eternally. Plus, while we may not receive physical benefit, sometimes, as in the case of Jehoshaphat, godliness reaps its own rewards.


Lord, godliness is something I find myself needing in increasing amounts. I am aware of my shortcomings, of the disparity between myself and you and I praise you for your mercy, for I cannot come close, even by my best of works.

I ask that you would train in me mindfulness, particularly of you and your instruction and of my wife and interacting with/understanding her emotionally.

Be with the Christians in Algeria. Give them the courage to stand strong for you, despite what backlash they might face. I pray that you would appoint bold leaders to that nation.

Also, be with my wife and I as we pray through nations each week, seeking your direction and will for us and grant us insight into your will regarding a specific opportunity to serve you.

Really, help me to engage with y wife emotionally in much better ways.


Monday, November 2, 2015

2 November 2015


  • James 4:11-5:12
  • Zechariah 5
  • 2 Kings 1
  • Psalm 93

The James passage has a lot of tidbits. First, he speaks about judging others and our position as a law-abider, not judge/lawgiver and about slandering others. Second, he talks about our declarations of plans and intents when we do not even know for certainty what will happen tomorrow, instead putting it to the Lord saying that, if he will it, I will do x, y, & z. Thirdly, he talks about sin from a righteous man's perspective. Fourthly, he condemns the actions and attitudes of the wealthy. Lastly, he speaks of perseverance and holding to the faith regardless of the suffering, patiently waiting for the Lord's return.

The Ezekiel passage is a little confusing in its imagery, but Matthew Henry's commentary suggests that the basket is Israel and it represents Israel heading into exile because of their wickedness.

In 1 Kings, we see Ahaziah falling ill and seeking his prognosis through the prophets of Baal-zebub to which Elijah rebukes him and predicts his death, to which Ahaziah sends men to capture him. He calls down fire on the first group, then the second. The third, because the captain recognises what has happened and, in fear, requests his own life, to which Elijah travels with him and re-prophesies to the king's face.

The psalm today is a short one, but it extols God quite simply for his majesty.


What stood out to me was James 4:17: "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." It's real easy to do what's fun, convenient, or socially acceptable. Where it's difficult is where what's right is at odds with what society is doing. At that point, we have a choice. We have the Holy Spirit, our counselor, inside us, directing us towards Christ and we have the word of God directing us towards Christ. Between the two, it should be fairly self-evident what is right and that therefore, because he has the Holy Spirit and is able to truly discern right and wrong, to not do right is a direct disobedience and sin.