Thursday, December 15, 2011

18 Oct. 2010 - James 5:13-20

James 5:13-20
"The prayer of faith"

Pray. Pray. In every situation, pray. whether you're sad, sick, happy or just thankful, pray. this is what James is trying to push. why? because the Lord will answer the prayer offered in faith. the sick will become well; the sinners, forgiven. Thus we need to confess our sins and pray. "the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective," is what James sayis in regard to prayer.

James then proceeds to give us an example of God answering and working through prayer. Elijah (who was a normal human, like us) prayed for a drought and the Lord answered with a 3 1/2 year drought. Elijah then prayed again, but for rain... and it rained! Our God is a God who answers prayer. therefore we should not be hesitant to bring our requests to God.

Finally, as an afterword to the book, James leaves us with a final word. If we as christians see a fellow christian turning away from God's path, then we should, but i prefer must, bring them back on track. remember, whoever saves a sinner from his sin has just saved him from death.

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