Tuesday, December 15, 2015

15 December 2015 + Love Dare Day 15

      7. Asking for Help


  • Philippians 4:6-7

The last time we looked at this passage, I was in a state of anxiety and stress, relieved by the word of God telling me to not be anxious and that God is the source of peace.

Today, I'm in a different spot. Somewhat better, maybe, but different regardless. Also, today's thrust is different.

Through much calmer lenses, I see, "... but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." 

In everything, we are to submit our requests. There is no situation too big for God. There is no sin too despicable. There is no circumstance too awkward. We can and are to come to him in everything - in times of joy, in times of hardship, in times of sin, in times of blessing. We come and seek him for his strength, his provision, and his peace. We come asking for forgiveness or aid. Sometimes, we come simply to praise.

In everything, pray.


This is something I'm learning to do, especially where habitual sin is involved. There is a small amount of resistance I am able to give out of my own strength, but why rely solely on my strength to merely resist, when I can call on God for the strength to not merely resist, but repulse temptation?

In everything, pray.

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The Love Dare
Day 15: Love is Honourable

At the beginning of the article, everything being described as what honour is made great sense and I had no trouble nodding in agreement. Then they changed tack to a different word, "Holy".

This caught my attention, because I had been called out by and confessed to my wife regarding a friendship with a woman which I had set apart within myself as "inviolate" - that is, I would not allow my sin to touch it and thereby sully it like everything else I touch in this time of recovering from sin. I had good intentions, but I'd allowed my pride in being able to have a "normal", "healthy" friendship tie myself to that relationship in some very unhealthy ways, to the point of getting defensive for that particular person, which is what clued me in that something was not right.

The only relationship that I should be holding as inviolate is the one with my wife. The only person who should be honoured, praised, or defended in such a manner is my wife. 
"Choose a way to show honor and respect to your spouse that is above your normal routine."

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