Tuesday, October 20, 2015

20 October 2015


  • Romans 12
  • Ezekiel 43
  • 1 Kings 13
  • Psalm 80

In the Romans passage, Paul is giving instruction on how to work with each other in the church, that is, not thinking of oneself too highly, being aware of and co-operating in different skills/giftings, and having genuine community that flows out from love. Paul closes off this segment, saying "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." This verse should really prescript how we interact with many individuals today, yet we seem to forget that, especially here in the US.

In Ezekiel, we have the climax of chapters 40-42. Here we see God returning to the temple in the vision. The Lord speaks of how Israel will no longer sin and he will dwell in their midst forever (which makes me think it's an end-times prophecy). We also see God providing instructions on building and consecrating an altar, arguably the most important part of the entire temple, as, without it, Israel cannot make atonement for their sins.

In 1 Kings, we have a prophet calling out Jeroboam in his altar-building and idol worshipping. We also see the confirmation that this prophet was of God in that, when he [the prophet] disobeyed, he received his punishment, which was recognised and helped spread the word against Jeroboam further, though Jeroboam did not turn from his sin, but continued it even further.

The psalm today, another one of Asaph, is one asking again how long Israel's punishment would be and seeking God's restoration/relenting.


Firstly, the Romans passage is always applicable in daily life - govern your interactions with humility, mindfulness of others' strengths, and love, seeking to overcome evil with good.

In  the Ezekiel and 1 Kings passages, we also see what God will not abide, that is, Idolatry. God seeks and demands primacy in our lives, which is evident in everything from the nature of the sacrifices required through, probably, the book of Romans, in which Paul makes fairly evident that man cannot serve both God and another master.


Lord, I have two things to ask today, but first, thank you for the test yesterday and I hope my grades will reflect how optimistic I am.

More seriously, though, help me to continually put you first. I am a selfish individual and I like to get my way. Also, help me to engage with others in humility, mindfulness, and love. We both know this is a weak point for me, causing many tensions in my relationships.

Be with my wife as our dog is getting spayed - she is very stressed and tense about it. Ease her worries and allow her to relax somewhat.

Be with my professors today as they face all of my class today during the exam review. Help them to keep a level head and help my class to remain civil.


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