Tuesday, December 27, 2011

27 Dec. 2011 - Genesis 17:1-27

Genesis 17:1-27
"Covenant Circumcision"

So, This passage is a covenant of multiple parts. Once again, God mentions and further fleshes out the promises to make Abram the "father of many nations" (physically: Israelites, Ishmaelites, Edomites and Midianites; spiritually: every believer of the Christian faith) and to give to the descendants of Abram the land in which he was residing.

Additionally, God changed the name of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah, made a covenant to be Abraham's God and the God of his offspring and declared a reciprocal covenant between Abraham and his descendants and God - Circumcision. This was to be a means by which any descendant of Abraham or member of a household of such (extending to slaves and servants of any type) showed that he is under the covenant between Abraham and God.

Also, God revealed to Abraham that it would be through his future son by Sarah, Isaac, that God would do His work. Interestingly, Abraham pleaded for God's blessing on Ishmael's behalf and it was granted (see yesterday for extra info on Ishmael).

This is the final iteration of God's covenant with Abraham. not only that, but it was sealed by both the word of God and through the formation of a reciprocal covenant between Abraham and God. This covenant would be carried out physically through the birth and death of Christ. Afterwards, the covenant was readministered to those who were Abraham's spiritual descendants - those believing in and remaining faithful to Christ. Note though, that in the Pauline letters and other epistles that circumcision is no longer necessary as we, as Christians, have been freed from the subjugating nature of the law (this being the Mosaic Law. We should still obey the national and other laws placed above us).

This covenant, made between God and Abraham was and is the defining, creating moment for the Israelite people. This formed their identity and set them as "children of the promise".

After the covenant was made, it must be noted that Abraham went and fulfilled his part of the covenant. He and every man in his household was circumcised.

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