Thursday, December 15, 2011

7 Nov. 2010 - Zechariah 13:1-6

Zechariah 13:1-6
"cleansing from sin"

This is an interesting passage, to say the least...

It begins with "On that day", so it must be a continuation of the previous passage. On this day, God will open a fountain for the house of Davis and the people of Jerusalem and will remove their sin. (I am guessing, probably correctly, that this is referring to Christ and his atoning sacrifice). Then God says that he will remove all the idols from the land (so probably the end times, in this instance at least) and will punish the false prophets. In fact, God says that if anyone prophesies falsely, his own parents will turn against him. Imagine that. how much would it take for your parents to not only want to, but actually commit the act of murdering you? God then elaborates, saying that it will get so bad that these false prophets will not even want to be known as a prophet for fear of their lives.

that's a pretty intense image. then again, God's pretty hardcore about sin. he removes sin, in this passage, in two ways. First, by purification and cleansing of the individual believers and second, by the removal of sin from the land through the removal of idols and false prophets. notice when God speaks about the cleansing of the individuals He mentions the house of Davis and the people of Jerusalem. This refers to the leaders and the average joe alike. God is serious about sin, yes, but he's also serious about everyone. God wants everyone to be free from sin, which is why he sent Jesus to serve asa blood sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.

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