3. Seeking Intimacy with Christ
So, here we have a pretty clear image of what intimacy with Christ should look like. The image given is that we should be connected to Christ like branches to a vine. Christ should be our base and source of support and supply. We should have that intimate connection with Christ, being deep in his word, that what we ask for, he will provide, continuing the imagery of a branch connected to a central vine. Additionally, because we are connected to Christ, receiving water and nutrients - life - from him, we should be producing a fruit that is glorifying to God, for it is the fruit that identifies us as belonging to Christ.
Those not abiding in Christ do not have the same water and nutrient supply, and so they do not produce fruit and they wither. These branches are only good for burning.
So, we are encouraged to remain in Christ - to abide in his love just as he has in God's love. And we are to love one another, also, as Christ loves us. Why? So that our joy may be full.
I know I'm trying to reconnect with Christ in a deeper way than I have been. I also know that the only thing I can do towards that goal is simply to surrender myself and make myself available to him. That's something difficult, because, sinfully, I want to be me. I want to have myself. I don't want to be, as my sin-induced fears prompt, an empty shell filled by God, a husk or a puppet.
I know that's sin, though, because where in the Bible to we ever get the idea that giving ourselves over to God is surrendering our personalities, identities, or quirks? No, the only thing that is removed is the sin nature which we have so long identified as our selves. Many of my foibles, in some way, are connected to and built off of my sin and, since I identify myself largely by my sin, wrongdoing, coverups, and attempts to be "normal", to be free of that mess, to be free of my sinful self, seems like a violence against my identity.
The other aspect is the fear of the unknown. I don't know what I would be like if my sin were replaced by God. Much of my godliness is self-imposed and self-worked. So, to see such a drastic degree of change, there is a sinful fear of a holy God and the amount of change that would be wreaked in me if I allowed God to do his thing.
So, what do I do, I pay lip service to God and hold tight to the reins.
I really, really need to give up control, open up all corners of my life and be restored.
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The Love Dare
Day 6: Love Is Not Irritable
Irritability. I'd like to say I'm not an irritable person, but I know I can be. It tends to come in waves, like when I've just settled myself down to study for an hour or two and my wife comes to engage with me playfully. I shouldn't be irritable, but, because I placed studying of higher importance than her and allowed myself to be controlled by the pace of school and the test right around the corner, I am.
Add to that, I don't take proper care of myself. I over-relax to cope with the volume of work I have, which leads me to frantically cramming the same volume into less time... Yeah, it's a vicious cycle that leads to me responding poorly in an unloving way.
"The Bible can help you avoid unhealthy stress. It teaches you to let love guide your relationships to so you aren’t caught up in unnecessary arguments (Colossians 3:12-14). To pray through your anxieties instead of tackling them on your own (Philippians 4:6-7). To delegate when you are overworked (Exodus 18:17-23). To avoid overindulgence (Proverbs 23:16)"
Yeah, I'm guilty of the above, but the largest problem sources are yet to come
Being easily angered is an indicator that a hidden area of selfishness or insecurity is present where love is supposed to rule. But selfishness also wears many other masks:
"Lust... is the result of being ungrateful for what you have and choosing to covet or burn with passion for something that is forbidden. ... (James 4:1-3). Bitterness takes root when he is provoked (Ephesians 4:31). Greed for more money and possessions will frustrate you with unfulfilled desires (1 Timothy 6:9-10). ... Pride leads you to act harshly in order to protect your ego and reputation."
Lust - dissatisfaction, wanting something I don't have, looking for satisfaction outside of wat I do have.
Bitterness - sparked by the above dissatisfaction
Greed - not as much, but money does make me stressed
Pride - usually sparked by the revealing of lust...
Dang. I'm being called out right now.
"These motivations can never be satisfied. But when love enters your heart, it calms you down and inspires you to quit focusing on yourself. It loosens your grasp and helps you let go of unnecessary things."
So, kinda with the John passage above, letting go of myself and abiding in God's love, then giving God's love to others.
"In each decision, love ultimately lowers your stress and helps you release the venom that can build up inside. It then sets up your heart to respond to your spouse with patience and encouragement rather than anger and exasperation."