Philippians 2:19-20
Okay, so, first we see that Paul treasures Timothy as a father does a son, because of the time Timothy has spent with him, serving the various churches and because of how Timothy seeks the interests of Christ above his own. Because of that, Paul is quite assured that when he is able to send Timothy to visit, Timothy will be genuinely concerned for the church's welfare.
It's kinda sad, though, because the portrayal is such that it appears that Timothy is the only such person that Paul has with him at this time. I mean, the guy's been evangelising across the known world and of those he has close to him, only one seems to be more concerned with Christ than with himself. Of course, I can't speak. I'm definitely very self-focused, looking to my own benefit first most of the time.
In place of Timothy, since Timothy was tied up at the time of writing, Paul sends Epaphroditus, whom he describes as a fellow labourer and soldier. From the context, it appears he was sent to Paul by the Philippian church to encourage Paul, carrying a message from the church. During this time, it appears he fell ill and nearly died, but he has recovered and Paul then instructed the church to welcome him with joy and honour because of his sacrifices for the work of Christ.
I think this is an excellent example of the responsibility of the church towards her leaders. I know the youth groups in my church have done various different methods of pastor appreciation and encouragement and I've seen the blessing it is to him. We need to be praying for and encouraging our pastors, but let's not just leave it there. What about missionaries, sunday school teachers, secretaries, nursery workers, youth leaders, worship leaders, and all of the other folks involved in the ministry of the church? They're all giving of themselves, waging spiritual war on the frontlines, oftentimes being battered by various schemes of the enemy. They need all the prayer and encouragement they can get.