Galatians 3:1-14
"faith or observance of the law"
Paul addresses a key issue here that was occurring in the early church particularly among those who were Jews. They were seeking salvation through their works and obedience to the law set in the old testament instead of through faith in God and belief in Christ's resurrection. he asks the church in Galatia from where they received their salvation - Christ or the law?
He then gives an example showing faith as righteousness, not works. Abraham, the great patriarch of the Jews, was considered righteous by God because he believed and had faith in God, not because he kept to the laws. also, Paul mentions the fact that God says to Abraham that through him all nations will be blessed, not just the Jews.
back to the subject if the laws, anyone who tries to fulfill the law in order to become righteous is cursed because anyone who dies not follow the book of the law is, according to Jewish custom, cursed and no-one has kept all the laws, therefore no one is righteous by the law. Christ, however, redeemed us from the law through his sacrifice for us. he became our curse by carrying our sin and unrighteousness to the grave, allowing anyone who accepted this sacrifice to be considered righteous because our curse has been lifted.
through this lifting of the curse, even the gentiles can now receive salvation. good news for us, being Gentiles.
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