Zechariah 1:18-21
"Four horns and Four Craftsmen"
Just a question. is it wrong to be thankful that today's passage is so short? I am pretty tired...
Here, Zechariah sees, guess what, 4 horns... He asks the angel accompanying him what they are and he answers saying that they are the nations that scattered israel and judah. probably assyria, babylon, egypt and persia. note that horns were symbols of strength and power, so zechariah was seeing the representation of the power of these nations.
Zechariah then sees 4 craftsmen and asks what they were coming to do, to which the Lord replied that they have come to terrify and throw down the horns. i'm guessing the craftsmen are either other nations or angels... either way, all 4 of the aforementioned nations would be and were defeated. the assyrians were decimated by the babylonians, medes and scythians, the babylonians were crushed by the persians, the persians were destroyed by the macedonians and the remnants by the arabs and the egyptians were overrun by the macedonians and then the romans, leading to the fall of their culture.
it's pretty cool to see how God delivered justice for israel to the nations that conquered it... and that history verifies the account mentioned in the bible...
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