Thursday, December 15, 2011

23 Oct. 2010 - Zechariah 3:1-10

Zechariah 3:1-10
"clean garments for the high priest"

This is, i think, the 4th vision of zechariah in which we see the reinstating of the high priest, symbolizing in part israel's restoration as a priestly nation.

The vision opens up with Joshua, the current high priest, standing before an angel of the Lord and to the left of Satan (who was there to accuse him). The first thing God does is rebuke Satan. The next is to remove the filthy rags worn by the HP and replace them with rich garments  - stripping him from office and restoring him while also symbolically removing his sin. Might it interest you to note that joshua is the hebrew for the Aramaic "Jeshua" and the Greek "Jesus"? this could also be seen as an institution of sorts of Christ as High priest (minus the stripping off sin as Christ is sinless).

The angel of the Lord then charges Joshua to walk in the ways of the Lord and keep his requirements. tied to this is the reward and responsibility of governing the house of the Lord and presiding over his courts. After this [the charge] is done and kept, the Lord offers a reward of holding a place among those standing around him in the vision (most likely angels).

The vision ends off with a prophecy regarding the coming of the Lord, in particular stating that he will remove the the sin of israel in a day. this is the death and resurrection of christ - although some scholars believe it might be referring to the second coming because of the following statement: ""in that day each of you will invite his neighbor under his vine and fig tree". do we see such a peace and love between man right now? not really... will we? yes.

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