- John 1:19-51
- Zechariah 8
- 2 Kings 4
- Psalm 95
So, in the John passage, we see the introduction of John the Baptist and his declaration of Jesus as the Christ based on the signs given at his baptism. Following this, we see the calling of the first few disciples - Andrew, Simon, Phillip, and Nathanael.
In the first part of the Zechariah passage, we see the Lord promising the rebuilding and refilling Jerusalem, speaking of a city filled with both the young and the elderly. He then follows that, continuing the promise of restoration, but addressing the treatment of Israel by God and by her neighbours. Lastly, he concludes with his prescriptions of how the Israelites are to comport themselves.
In 2 Kings, we see 5 miracles performed by Elisha.
- The provision of oil for a widowed mother in debt
- The blessing of a son to a generous barren couple
- The reviving of said son of said couple
- The curing of poisonous soup
- The stretching of twenty barley loaves for 100 men with some to spare
The psalm today is one of praise to God, calling all to rejoice for he is creator and King over all. It also admonishes the listeners to not harden their hearts against the Lord.
So, in John, we have confirmation from John the Baptist on the godhood of Jesus, which is nice to have. Honestly, though, the two things that stood out to me the most, were the imagery of Jerusalem prophesied in Zechariah, "Old men and old women shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with staff in hand because of great age. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets." (vv 4-5) and how much God cared for this Shunammite woman and her family (2 Kings 4:8-37).
I find it interesting how God uses imagery of the elderly leaning on staves and children playing for his promise to Jerusalem. To me, this depicts a time of peace more than almost anything else. Add to this how God went out of His way, through Elisha, to bless this woman and to tend to her son later on and you see that God really cares for people. He cares for the small things, young and old living peacefully, a barren woman and, later, her son. That such a big God cares on such a small level is mindblowing, and yet, it's also so very reassuring.
Lord, I thank you and praise you for your care. I praise you that you are a great God who cares for our small desires. You go out of your way for your people simply because you can and I cannot thank you or praise you enough.
Teach me to see people as you do, as worthy of our everyday efforts, as worthy of our greatest work and full attention.
Let this mind be in me that was also in Christ Jesus - let me not glorify myself, but instead humble myself in complete servitude, putting others, especially my wife, above myself.
I also pray for those in American Samoa. I know many there follow you, but I ask that your work would continue there, that still more would come to follow you.
Work within me as I seek to become more like you and more understanding and aware of my wife.
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