Monday, November 2, 2015

2 November 2015


  • James 4:11-5:12
  • Zechariah 5
  • 2 Kings 1
  • Psalm 93

The James passage has a lot of tidbits. First, he speaks about judging others and our position as a law-abider, not judge/lawgiver and about slandering others. Second, he talks about our declarations of plans and intents when we do not even know for certainty what will happen tomorrow, instead putting it to the Lord saying that, if he will it, I will do x, y, & z. Thirdly, he talks about sin from a righteous man's perspective. Fourthly, he condemns the actions and attitudes of the wealthy. Lastly, he speaks of perseverance and holding to the faith regardless of the suffering, patiently waiting for the Lord's return.

The Ezekiel passage is a little confusing in its imagery, but Matthew Henry's commentary suggests that the basket is Israel and it represents Israel heading into exile because of their wickedness.

In 1 Kings, we see Ahaziah falling ill and seeking his prognosis through the prophets of Baal-zebub to which Elijah rebukes him and predicts his death, to which Ahaziah sends men to capture him. He calls down fire on the first group, then the second. The third, because the captain recognises what has happened and, in fear, requests his own life, to which Elijah travels with him and re-prophesies to the king's face.

The psalm today is a short one, but it extols God quite simply for his majesty.


What stood out to me was James 4:17: "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." It's real easy to do what's fun, convenient, or socially acceptable. Where it's difficult is where what's right is at odds with what society is doing. At that point, we have a choice. We have the Holy Spirit, our counselor, inside us, directing us towards Christ and we have the word of God directing us towards Christ. Between the two, it should be fairly self-evident what is right and that therefore, because he has the Holy Spirit and is able to truly discern right and wrong, to not do right is a direct disobedience and sin.

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