Tuesday, March 8, 2016

8 March 2016

Scripture: Romans 3:21-31


So, right off the bat, Paul clarifies that the righteousness of God has made itself known apart from the Law. He is quick to note, however, that the Law and the prophets hint as to how it would be revealed, the specific manifestation of God's righteousness is available through faith in Jesus.

Paul answers the looming question of "Why" in just a moment.

You see, as Paul writes, he clarifies that all of us have sinned and we all deserve death because we no longer reach God's standard of righteousness.

Paul says it outright in vv 24-25. God's justification of man is a gift, one received by faith. Because of this show of righteousness, a man's sins are overlooked and God is fully able to act justly while acting mercifully towards a man's sins.

In light of all this, Paul remarks, "Then what becomes of our boasting? It is excluded." Because our salvation is based upon faith in Christ, we have nothing to boast over. He closes, stating that this does't mean we have no need to follow the Law. As he puts it, "[W]e uphold the law."


I cannot boast. My deliverance from temptation and sin is not of my own ability and strength, but by the mercy and grace of God who, in a display of righteousness, justice, and love, redeemed me from my sinful nature and desires through the payment of my punishment by Jesus, His Son, who is fully man and fully God, seated at the right hand of the throne of the Father.

Every victory over temptation and sin is a testament to the redemptive work taking place within me, as I am being sanctified, being remade in the image of God.

So, I cling to God and seek to honour him. I follow the Law not as a means for salvation, but because it is the directive of God for how to live. I do not boast over my successes in following the law, because I know such successes are only the providence of God,

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