This is a hefty segment, following after the last passage. I'll try to complete the passage tonight, but I may end up tapping out mid-way. We'll see what God has in store.
In vv 12-13, we see that God will judge man by what he knows. If he does not know the law, then he dies outside the law. If he knows the Law, then he will be judged by the Law. Paul is making an initial statement, saying that knowledge of the Law is not sufficient for salvation.
He makes this point in vv 14-16 wherein he states that a Gentile who follow the Law, though he does not know the Law and its requirements, bears evidence of the Law being written on their hearts.
Paul then flips the tables in vv 17-24 wherein he addresses the Jews, who relied on the Law and prided themselves on their adherence to the Law. He calls them out for practising the opposite of what they preach. As Paul writes in v 23, "You who boast in the Law dishonour God by breaking the law."
Lastly we see Paul's take on circumcision. In vv 25-29, Paul makes some key statements:
- Physical circumcision only has value when paired with obedience
- An uncircumcised man who follows the Law is considered circumcised
Paul makes it very clear here that God is not interested in the outward circumcision, the following of Laws for Laws' statement. God bases judgment on the internal circumcision. In fact, the externally circumcised individual who does not follow the Law is judged more sternly because he know what is right and did not do it.
Salvation is not dependent upon ourselves via the Law, but on God. Paul takes the opportunity of speaking out against the Judaizers and their pro-circumcision stance. He also speaks to the couch potatoes.
It's late. I know what Paul is meaning. I'm just having a difficult time putting the puzzle pieces our livesit together
"For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God." Romans 2:28-29
Salvation is not dependent upon ourselves via the Law, but on God. Paul takes the opportunity of speaking out against the Judaizers and their pro-circumcision stance. He also speaks to the couch potatoes.
It's late. I know what Paul is meaning. I'm just having a difficult time putting the puzzle pieces our livesit together
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