- Psalm 31
- Genesis 28:10-22
- 2 Chronicles 5
- Luke 22:1-46
The psalms are always complicated for me, as they follow the mood of the psalmist rather than engaging in a specific point, but here's what I see. The psalmist is referring to God as his refuge and is declaring that he is entrusting himself in God. He asks for grace, explaining how he feels forgotten and cast away. He asks for protection and rescue from his enemies and then concludes the psalm with three stanzas of praise to God for his goodness, faithfulness, and love, encouraging all who believe in God to love him.
In Genesis, we see God speaking to Jacob, reiterating the covenants made to Isaac and Abraham. I find Jacob's response interesting, though. In a way, it looks like he's saying, "If you'll provide for me, then I'll call you God." He does, however, commission an impromptu temple on the site where the tabernacle would be kept for many years as well as being one of the first to formally offer a 10% tithe.
In 2 Chronicles, we see the completion of the temple and the installment of the Ark of the Covenant and other tabernacle implements in the new temple. As the Ark is being placed in the temple, we see an account of a massive number of sacrifices being made and an account of the glory of God entering and filling the temple like a cloud.
In Luke, we have some more of the Passion week happenings. First we see Judas colluding with the high priests to betray Jesus. Following that, we see Passover, the last supper, the institution of communion, and Jesus' announcement that one of the disciples would betray him. Jesus then took the opportunity of a dispute to introduce the idea of humble, servant leadership to the disciples before informing Peter of his future denials of Jesus. Last, we have Jesus praying on the mount of olives.
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