Saturday, January 9, 2016

9 January 2016 + Love Dare Day 36

Reading & Memorising Scripture


  • 1 Corinthians 6:18-19

I know, this verse has popped up many times in this study. Looking at this a second time, after asking God to show me what it is that he wanted me to see in particular, he took me to the very end of verse 19: "You are not your own." Additionally, the very initial command, "Flee sexual immorality," stands out as well.

Why should we flee sexual immorality? Well, quite simply, we don't belong to ourselves. We belong to God and, for those of us that are married, we belong to our spouses. As Paul writes, "the sexually immoral person sins against his own body," we are reminded that in sinning sexually, we are defiling ourselves. Would I present to God a defiled offering? Would I present to my wife my defiled self?

What if our sexual sins left marks and sores on us? Would we present ourselves to our spouses covered in oozing, suppurating sores? Would our spouses happily join with us were that the case?

Why, then, do we let these sins rot our minds, souls, and bodies and then expect that we can give ourselves to God and our spouses like nothing is wrong? We must resist the temptation and flee. Sometimes, that means stopping what you're doing and physically leaving. For others, that means strong moments of prayer, relying on God for protection. We need to learn what we can do in and of ourselves, but we also need to learn to trust God above and beyond our own ability.


The reminder that I am not my own reminds me that my sins, particularly relationally or sexually do not merely impact me, but they impact my wife as well. In light of that, I cling to the beginning of the passage and resolve to make fleeing my first response in times of temptation, whether that means removing myself physically or focusing on another thought mentally. I also resolve to continue submitting to God, growing in trust with him, learning that I can hand my temptation to him and he will be faithful.

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The Love Dare
Day 36: Love is God's Word

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