Tuesday, November 10, 2015

10 November 2015


  • John 5:19-47
  • Malachi 1:1-2:9
  • 2 Kings 10
  • Psalm 101

In the first part of the John passage (vv 19-29), we see Jesus explaining his role within the Godhead, hinting at his atoning sacrifice for man's sins and making reference to the resurrection of the dead. In the second part (vv 30-37a, 39), we see Jesus making his statement of proof based upon John the Baptist, the works given by God, and upon God himself, giving witness through scripture. In the last part (vv 37-47), he calls out the unbelief of the people, searching through the scriptures for the messiah to come, not believing that the scriptures point to him.

In Malachi, we see God calling Israel out on their attitude towards God. He then calls out the priests, cursing them for how far they had fallen from their forefather Levi. Both the people and the priests had reached the point where they openly scorned God, treating his commands like a burden and worship like an onerous task. The teaching of the priests was no longer true and they were leading the people into corruption and sin.

In 2 Kings, we see the fulfillment of Elijah's prophecy that none of Ahab's line would survive. Using Jehu, the Lord destroyed all of Ahab's descendants, his followers and all the worshippers of Baal. And yet, he, too, followed in the sin of Jeroboam, worshipping the two golden calves instead of the Lord.

In the psalm, we see David praising God for his steadfastness and love. We also see him promising to show favour on the faithful and punish the wicked in his land.


Looking at these passages, the first thing I see is the question of who is Christ? Jesus himself answers this in John. After that, we see the question of what it means to worship God and some of what that looks like, given by contrast to what Israel is doing in Malachi. 2 Kings shows the punishment of God on the wicked and the psalm shows the heart of one who was close to God.

The biggest thing to point out and apply, I think, is the Malachi passage. How do we treat God? Do we give him our best or do we give him a small something that won't inconvenience us? When we give the scraps, we insult God. If we say we believe in God and that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present, and holy, righteous, and just, then shouldn't we have just a little bit of healthy fear, of respect, to give him what he deserves? Add to that the fact that he is gracious, merciful, and forgiving, and we have even greater reason to give God our best.


Lord, show me the areas in which I could give you better than I do. I'm not foolish enough to think I give you the best of everything I have, but I'm willing to look and see where I can grow. Help me to branch out and move where you tell me, to step out in faith as you've been challenging me to do.

Be with my wife as she grapples with some new revelations and understandings. Help me to be sensitive to her needs and bring us to a point of greater closeness through this all.

Give my brothers endurance as one finishes finals and the other gets ready to begin. Give my parents wisdom to what the next steps will look like as the only employees from their company in their city. Give my sister insight and clarity; her eyes are still clouded, from what I can tell and she needs to see your truth in her situation and how she needs to be living.

Be with the pastors serving you amongst the poor and in dangerous, hostile regions. Keep them safe and encourage them with your love.


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