Wednesday, October 7, 2015

7 October 2015


  • Romans 2:17-3:8
  • Ezekiel 28
  • 1 Kings 2
  • Psalm 67
  • Romans 2:25
  • 1 Kings 2:1-3
In the Romans passage, Paul continues his comments to the Jews holding the teachings of the law over others. He asks them to consider themselves - the law they teach, do they themselves follow it? Circumcision filled with vanity is considered uncircumcision and uncircumcision filled with Godliness is considered circumcision. Paul also tackles a few key issues in the beginning of chapter 3:
  • What's the merit of being a Jew or being circumcised? The Jews were entrusted with God's words.
  • Does the faithlessness of those bearing God's name nullify God's faithfulness? No, God is true despite that all of us are liars - God is justified in his own words
  • If our unrighteousness displays God's righteousness, isn't God being unrighteous in punishing us? Of course not. How else would God judge the world?
  • If my lie/sin happens to glorify God, why am I still considered a sinner? To be answered later
  • Why not do evil, that good would come of it? To be answered later
In Ezekiel, we see God speaking against Tyre and Sidon, rebuking Tyre for its pride and describing their falls.
In 1 Kings, we see David's last words to Solomon, his heir. We also see Solomon fulfilling his final wishes and taking a very firm stance in securing his throne (maybe slightly too firm, but that's just me)
In the psalm, we see exhortation for the people to praise God, asking his blessings and singing in general praise.


Well, seeing as I'm giving a talk in youth group on witnessing, the aspect of the Romans passage on following what you teach stood out to me. That and David's words to Solomon, encouraging him to be strong, be a man, and follow God, are what stand out. 

These two passages, though, actually play into each other rather well. If I follow after God, keeping his commands and loving his word, then I will be following what I teach. What's more, I will be equipped with the strength I need to be strong and be a man of God, despite what opposition may arise.


Lord, I want to thank you today for the amazing time of worship we had. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of leading it and, despite my shortcomings and sins, allowing me to join in worshipping with my peers. I continue to ask that you would soften my heart and fill me with your love, that I would overflow with praise to you spontaneously. I see my sins, Lord, and my need to overcome them, but I also ask for the heartbrokenness that comes with a sincere desire to repent from my ways. Help me to stop checking my emotions at the door, but to allow them to push me towards you in love, need, grief, guilt, sorrow, and joy.

Give me the wisdom I need for my daily endeavours and help me to navigate the waters of marriage while trying to stay afloat in school. Help me to manage my time for maximal studying and retention, that I would honour you with my work.

Be with my wife right now. Help her to use some of today to relax, unwind, and spend time with you. Help her to come to the cause of her back and abdominal issues, that it may be treated. 

Give my parents the necessary wisdom and reveal to us where your will dictates they go right now.

In your name I pray,


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