- James 2:14-26
- Zechariah 1:1-17
- 1 Kings 20
- Psalm 88
In James, we see the passage describing faith and works, how they are inseparable and that works are the outpouring of a living faith. He is quick to make a point, though, that is is not the works which saves us. Matthew Henry describes the justification of works as "... having such faith as produces good works." ("James 2:14-26", Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. e-Sword). That was the faith of Abraham and Rahab, as illustrated in this passage. Their works counted them as righteous, because they were outpourings and evidences of a genuine faith.
In the Zechariah passage, we see the Lord declaring his return to Jerusalem, bringing mercy (Zechariah was an exilic prophet). At the beginning of the passage, though, is a word to Israel to be apart from their ancestors, who did not turn from evil, though the Lord sent many prophets.
In the 1 Kings passage, we see Ahab heading up against Ben-Hadad, of Syria. God used a prophet to try and get through to Ahab, saying that he would bring Ahab victory over the vast horde encamped at Syria and show that he is God. A couple battles later, Ahab's army had captured Ben-Hadad and Ahab had entreated with him and released him. Shortly thereafter, a prophet of God, posing as a soldier/guard whose charge had run off, confronted Ahab about this and foretold his downfall.
The psalm today is one of crying out to God. The psalmist appears to feel forgotten by God. He is describing how we feels, as one dead and abandoned, and is asking God why he permitted this to happen.
The most obvious thing follows up from yesterday's reading - we need to actively live our faith. If our faith produces no works, no difference in our lives, how real, how solid is our faith. If faith in God makes demons shudder, how much more should we, who profess belief and faith, as well as discipleship, display some outward effect?
The only other thing I noted as of particular worth today is something in the 1 Kings passage. Did you notice how God was speaking to Ahab through a prophet. Clearly, God is giving the man a second chance. Of course, he blew it, not following the directions, but, nevertheless, he was given a second chance.
God, it's awesome that you give grace. Help me to be better about doing so, as I seek to follow after you more outwardly.
My apologies in advance for the short prayer - I need to run soon, but I want to thank you for the various individuals and opportunities you've put in my life. Far too many to list right now. I just ask that I would be a good steward of what's been given. Help me to com out of my sins, especially of self-gratification and lust. Those are two major thorns in my side.
Continue to help my wife and I grow closer together, forging unity out of our differences.
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