- Romans 14
- Ezekiel 45
- 1 Kings 14:21-15:24
- Psalm 82
So, the first part of this Romans passage is concerning differences in minor doctrine that is, the manners in which Christians worship and the variances thereof. We should be respectful of those differences, not flagrantly displaying our freedoms in comparison to another. This idea may also be applied to others of different religions. After all, wouldn't it be rude to eat pork at the same table as a Jew or Muslim? Again, Paul makes the distinction between can and should. The main point, though, is to keep this consideration with other Christians, especially newer Christians who may feel they need to prescribe to extra behaviours, because that is walking in love.
In Ezekiel, we see God re-specifying the land allotments for the Levites, the measurements of materials, the requirements for sacrifices, and the celebrations. Presumably, the point for this is an indication that God is looking favourably towards Israel or is about to restore them.
First, in 1 Kings, we see the description of Rehoboam's reign, which wasn't very good. He led Israel away from God, was attacked and raided by Egypt and was at war with Israel throughout his rule. Rehoboam's son Abijam reigned for all of three years before passing, leaving the throne to his son, Asa, who lived more in line with God. He wasn't perfect, but he attempted to undo much of his father's, grandfather's and great-grandfathers' follies.
In the psalm, we see Asaph comparing God to the other gods of the nations surrounding them, comparing their justice, knowledge, and understanding, finding it lacking compared to God's.
Well, firstly, the obvious application is the manner in which we use our freedoms, both around others and individually. It's a big area for me, because of temptation and sin, to say, "I can totally do this; God's got me." or "It's not too bad." No, no. That's sin.
More specifically, in this context, Sure, I can choose to eat certain things, drink certain things, and say certain things, but should I? How woulf that impact the faith and understanding of others around me?
The other thing for me to really take a look at is the comparison of the kings, looking at their reigns. My heart really needs to be more in the right place, seeking and desiring God. I'm all too easily consumed in myself and that's part of my struggles recently.
God, I'm a mess. I've been a mess for a decent bit. Yesterday's conflict just added to the mix. My eyes have been roving all over the place recently and I need your help pulling them under control. I've tried on my own, but it's not helped too much. I need you to help give me discipline and really work in me more than you're already doing.
Look into my heart, Lord. I'm trying to do the best I can for you, but it's not enough. I'm feeling somewhat empty and dead, without much remorse of guilt.
Help me to connect with my wife better. I'm doing the best I can, considering all that's on my plate. I don't know how much more can be done right now from my side and how much is work from her side, but help me to do the best and most I can.
I need you here, with me, Lord.
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