- Romans 6
- Ezekiel 35
- 1 Kings 8:1-21
- Psalm 73
In Romans, Paul is examining the question of grace and sinning that grace may come even more and the question of sinning in that we are no longer under the law, but under grace. To the first, he writes that the one who has come to faith has been baptised into the death of Christ. Our old self was crucified with him that our sin would be counted as dead and obsolete. So, why would we, who are set free from sin, willingly come and enslave ourselves to sin again? Instead, we are to consider ourselves under the dominion of Christ, slaves to righteousness, as Paul writes, through obedience, being led to sanctification. He notes this is different from being under the law as we are not seeking our salvation by our works, but rather, our works flow from us because of our salvation.
In Ezekiel, we see God speaking out against Edom. Literally, he is speaking to Mt. Seir, which is on the border of Judah and Edom, but we can infer Edom from v15 and historical political geography. Edom's misstep is of perpetual enmity and conspiring to take advantage of Israel and Judah in their time of punishment.
In 1 Kings, we see the consecration of the temple and the coming of God to abide in it.
In the psalm today, we see Asaph writing, He begins, stating that God is good to the pure of heart, before bringing forward his conviction - how he, of a lesser pure heart, for a moment was envious of the wicked, how they seem to be well-fed and -dressed, with no apparent sickness or pains. He admits halfway through, though, that they will eventually receive their comeuppance and he closes, declaring his allegiance to and reliance upon God.
Looking at the Romans passage and the psalm, it is really easy to choose to sin, to forge a signature here, or make a small dirty business connection there. It is really easy to be cutthroat or corrupt. All it takes is a short-sighted desire for self-gratification and one can acquire practically anything one wants, provided one covers one's tracks well. I see that even as a student - It's really easy to cheat on a test or bluff a practical, but such things do not honour God.
Paul seems to make note of those individuals who will go and sin, but offer the excuse of grace and God's forgiveness as though it absolves them of their wrongdoing and guilt, for, after all, they have been justified and their slate is considered clean. And to this Paul asks where their allegiance lies. Does it lie within themselves or does it lie with Christ. If their allegiance lied with Christ, then would they not be motivated to obey? Instead, they are slaves to their sin, making performances of lawfulness to appear righteous, but motivated by their own desires.
It's really difficult and frustrating when I see men and women not of God, who are engaging in less-than-righteous affairs succeeding when there are many Godly individuals who are among the poorest and sickest of the world. I know I was not promised an easy life, as a Christian, but sometimes, I just want for things to be a bit more "fair".
But, like Asaph, I find my consolation in God. I rest and rely on him, knowing he will provide what is needed and will place me where my talents are most needed to the greatest performance of his glory.
God, sometimes it's not easy. Sometimes I sit and look at my peers wondering why I couldn't be better off or why I couldn't have a better X-situation or X-thing. Help me to be content with where I am. Help me to rely on you for my needs. I know you provide and I ask that that would be enough for me. And, as I grow in this, I ask that my wife would grow in this, too, that we would be at the same degree of contentment, relying on you for our well-being and peace.
Be with my parents. Give wisdom to all of us as to where you are calling them. Give peace and rest to them both as they navigate these stressful times.
Bless my middle brother as he prepares for finals and is applying for schools.
Remind my sister of who you are and bring to her eyes te light of where she is vs where she needs to be.
Be with my youngest brother as he continues to heal his broken arm.
There are a thousand other things to pray for, but I cannot list them all here. Be with every one of them.
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