- Luke 12:13-48
- Ezekiel 8
- 2 Samuel 18
- Psalm 48
In the Luke passage, we have a very pointed question posed: where is your value stored? What is the point of stockpiling material and wealth when your soul may be called into eternity this very night? Does not God provide the needs of the sparrows and the lilies? Instead, be ready, doing the work given to you, for God may decide to come at any time.
In Ezekiel, we see God showing Ezekiel the defilement happening in the temple, the reason, amongst others, for Jerusalem's fall.
In 2 Samuel, we see the geographic expansion of Israel under David's rule and the wealth of Israel as it grew from tribute and spoil.
The psalm today extols God for his majesty and presence. His power is such that other rulers see it and quake.
Again, like the last few days, it is the Luke passage which speaks more to me. I swear, God is trying to prepare me for a life in poverty, serving others from what little I have, relying on God for everything, as I show God's love for my neighbours, those poor, in need, or without access to medicine and the Gospel. This is something I need to pray about, along with my wife.
God, this message I seem to be receiving from you is indeed something honourable and praise-worthy to do, albeit, perhaps, slightly foolhardy to many today. I need confirmation that this is what you're calling my wife and I to. First, I ask that you'd put a very similar passion on her heart, to prompt a conversation with me as confirmation. Second, I ask that you would confirm this through my schooling, that either one of my classmates or professors would bring up this very subject to me on Monday.
I also pray for my wife, that you would restore her to health and bring her to a point better than where she was.
I pray, too for the rest of my family - give my parents wisdom in their decision, my sister guidance in turning to you, my brother endurance and recollection for his exams, and my other brother healing for his arm.
Be with my dean as he battles cancer and with the mother of my classmate, as she battles a bizarre illness.
Give me the wisdom to lead according to you and to reflect you to those around me, in school and in church.
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