Wednesday, August 12, 2015

12 August 2015


  • Mark 8:27-9:50
  • Jeremiah 38
  • Ruth 1
  • Psalm 10

In the Mark passage, we see Christ revealing much about himself - his godhood and imminent death and resurrection. In the midst of that, we see the transfiguration and afterwards, we see the casting out of a demon, the rebuking the disciples about who comes first, and a short teaching about sin and temptation. In Jeremiah, we see the king weakly giving in to the demands of the people against Jeremiah, then for Jeremiah before going and seeking counsel himself with the prophet over what he should do about the oncoming Babylonians. In Ruth, we have our introductions - Naomi, the widow, recently childless, and her daughter-in-law, Ruth, the faithful one, who stayed with her despite her protestations. In Psalm 10, we see the story of an evildoer and his intentions laid out with both a plea to God for justice and praise for the justice he will faithfully provide.

What stood out to me, of all of this, was the very end of the Mark passage, where Jesus begins talking about our response to sin - "If your eye causes you to sin, cast it out, for it is better the be in paradise with one eye, than burning with both" [paraphrase]. Should I literally cut my eye out? Not necessarily, but Christ is speaking drastically here for good reason. Our reaction to sin should be drastic. I say this as one recently under spiritual attack. Our perspective should be that Jesus is God, full in his glory. We should not be lukewarm, like king Zedekiah, given over to the whims about us, but faithful as Ruth, staying close to Christ, even though situations may become difficult.


I mean, I'll be straight here - NO ENTERTAINING OF SIN. I need to avoid sin like the plague. I must constantly be on guard against sin, not passively living, lest temptation catch me flat-footed and I bend without second thought. This will be difficult, as my first nature is to coast, to take life easy, but this is something that cannot be taken passively. If I believe that Jesus is who he says He is and that He is as serious about sin as He claims to be, then I need to take sin seriously.


Lord, teach me to stand aware, on guard for sin. Teach me how to guard my heart, my eyes, my mind, my actions. Give me the strength and endurance to stand vigilant and to withstand temptation. I know that I cannot do this in my own strength - eventually, my strength will fail and, with it, my guard. What I know, however, is that your strength never fails. Supply me with your perfect strength, that I would be equipped against sin. Bolster my faith, grant me righteousness, gird me with your truth, and prepare me, that I may be ready, vigilant, protected by the salvation you have provided and armed with your word.

I pray for those around me, in class, in ministry, that you would protect them as well. Protect those serving you abroad and at home. 

Be with my wife today as she works - bless her and keep stress at bay. 

I thank you for your provision.


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