Genesis 23:1-20
(no title, E-Sword gives no subtitles)
Here we see an example of the effect of one's testimony. Abraham has a reputation of Godliness amongst the neighbouring Hittites. Thus, when Sarah died and it came tie to bury her, the Hittites were more than willing not only to sell, but to give Abraham a plot of land on which to bury Sarah. Now, I'm not saying that a godly testimony will mean everything will go your way, but when you stand with that sort of godliness and integrity, you'll find that you'll gain the respect of others around you.
Notice also how Abraham, when offered the field for free still insisted on paying the full price. This is an example to follow in conducting yourself in a godly manner. Even though his reputation was bearing fruit and paying off, Abraham insisted on maintaining the same witness he had displayed up through that point. Abraham did not compromise his testimony in any way through how he handled the gifts given to him.
Lastly, you can see a good model for making agreements - have many witnesses to hold you to your word and to give assurance of your actions.
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