"The Sacrifice of Isaac"
For most Christians, this is a familiar story they've heard many times, especially of they went to "Sunday School" at a church, but for everyone's sake, I'll briefly recap the story:
- God tells Abraham to take Isaac, his only son, and make of him a sacrifice to God.
- Abraham gathers his servants, wood, and his son.
- Abraham leaves to a specific mountain in Moriah.
- Abraham prepares the altar and ties Isaac down.
- Just before Abraham sacrifices Isaac, an Angel stops him.
- God provides a ram for the sacrifice.
- God blesses Abraham.
Something interesting, though, is that despite God telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham has faith that God will provide a different sacrifice (v. 7-8). Despite what he had been told by God, Abraham knew God well enough to have faith that another sacrifice would be provided. Think about that. How well do you have to know someone to obey an out-of-character command and have faith that good will come out of it?
As I read this passage, I begin to think that maybe this test, as it were, was not so much for God's benefit (He already knew Abraham's faith) nor for Abraham's benefit (largely, there was, however, a degree of self-realization with priorities, though), but for Isaac. During the course of this test, Abraham showed tremendous faith in God and God showed mercy, provision, protection and blessing towards Abraham and Isaac. For a young man such as Isaac, this could very easily have been a moment in which he saw God personally and learned how to respond to Him. Therefore, I am of the mind to say to every parent, and to myself as I will one day hopefully be a parent, "Wear your faith on your sleeve. Wear it honestly, but remember, your children will learn from your example. Don't hide it, though, for kids can easily see through such deceptions."
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