"Jacob at Bethel"
In a nutshell, God appeared to Jacob.
In a more expanded version, God appeared to Jacob in a dream during his [Jacob's] trip to Laban's house. God announced Himself and made to Jacob the same promises He made to Isaac before him and Abraham before him.
- That God will give his descendants "this land"
- That God will make his descendants numerous
- That all people forever and where on earth would be blessed through his descendants
God also made an additional promise to Jacob: that He would bring Jacob back to what would be the promised land and would watch over him until He had done what was promised.
Jacob, in response, built a marker, renamed the area in which he was sleeping, and made a vow to God that if He would be with, watch over, provide for, and ensure a safe return for Jacob, then would Jacob accept God as his Lord.
Here we have again, to no lack of significance, the repetition of the Abrahamic covenant, marking each of the three as key figures to whom the promise was made and would be fulfilled, not through Lot, not through Ishmael, not through Esau, but through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
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